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Is the Part 107 Test Hard?

8 mins
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Are you planning to use your drone for commercial purposes like photography, videography, or hired surveillance? You will need to get a drone license to do so. It’s an exciting experience to finally use your drone for lucrative things you had in mind when investing in one. Like any other certification, you will need to take a test and pass to get a license to operate your quadcopter professionally.

The part 107 test can be complex and intimidating, but it covers easily masterable material. With a great routine to prepare for the test, and perhaps a training course, both drone enthusiasts and aviation newbies alike can perform incredibly well, and usually pass on the first try.

In this article, I will be providing all the details you need to know about the FAA 107 test and how to prepare for a passing score adequately. As you wouldn’t with any other tests, you shouldn’t try to take the test without studying. It could be a waste of money and time. Failure to score the set passing mark could cause you to have to retake the test, which means more registration fees and more time spent. To avoid such instances, I will try to help you feel more familiar with what the test is all about while answering some of the most common questions. Read on!

Is the Part 107 Test Hard? #

I won’t lie, the Part 107 test is not easy, but this doesn’t mean you can’t do well. You don’t need to be a rocket scientist or an aviation nerd to score 70% or higher, which is all it takes to pass. With the right help or study materials, you can perform well on the test. Just don’t make the mistake of taking the test without studying. 

The internet is a good source of study materials, but you could end up downloading all sorts of notes which might not be of much help. The idea is to study smart and have it reflect on your results. So, you can choose to enroll in an online drone course or try the free option and study by yourself. The test is hard, and you would almost certainly fail if you tried taking it without studying.

How many questions are on the FAA 107 Test? #

The FAA 107 test contains a total of 60 multiple choice questions. The 60 questions cover a range of topics such as micrometeorology, airspace map interpretations, and regulations, among others. To pass the test, you need to score at least 70%, which spells out to 42 correct answers. 

As mentioned earlier, to pass, you need to study thoroughly for the test. And again, it’s not about the size of the materials you use or the amount of time you spend preparing; it is about the strategy you have in place and the quality of your study resources. If you are worried about the composition of the test, here is a breakdown of topics and the possible percentage you can score on each segment:




Airspace and Requirements

Loading and performance

The percentages mentioned above are just a generalization of what you are most likely to find in the test. There may be some variation from test to test, but you shouldn’t worry about it. All the topics are sure to be covered in a Part 107 training course. 

However, if you choose to train on your own using free resources, be sure to stay up-to-date with the current changes and additions in drone technology operations and regulations.

What score do you need to pass part 107? #

To pass the FAA part 107 test and qualify for the drone license certification, you need to score a minimum of 70%. To earn this percentage, you need to provide correct answers for at least 40 out of 60 questions in the test. The exam is diversified to cover several topics, so if one challenges you, you can still get your 70% from the rest of the areas.

You get 2 hours (120 minutes) to attempt your initial knowledge test. 

How to pass the part 107 Test? Tips and tricks to pass the Part 107 Test #

Like preparing for any other test, you need a strategy to pass this one too. Keep in mind that you have to pay at least $160 to take the test from one of the FAA accredited/ certified testing centers. You sure don’t want the effort, time, and money to go down the drain by missing on the pass mark.

To pass the test, you first need to register with an FAA-certified center. There are numerous fake companies available online waiting to scam you. Your very first test is signing up at the right testing center and spotting a genuine training course!

1. Prepare in good time #

The part 107 test is available recurrently throughout the calendar year. I recommend scheduling yourself for the test at least a month in advance to leave some time for you to study and prepare. You decide on when to take the test, so only do it when you are ready. Whether you want to learn by yourself or with some assistance, you will find numerous learning materials online, both paid and free.

I would advise you not to leave a  long gap before taking the test after preparing. This way, you stay focused, and you are less likely to forget what you have spent all that time trying to learn.

2. Identify your priority areas #

As indicated above, the test places more emphasis on the regulations and operations topics. It does not, however, mean that you can ignore the rest of the issues.  As mentioned earlier, the study areas account for the highest percentage. Putting more emphasis on them could help you perform better. Some of the topics most pilots find worth more study time includes interpreting TAF and METAR reports, radio communication standards, and weather, to mention just a few.

3. Go for a paid course if you can afford it #

You have the option to study on your own, or pay for a training course. There are indeed numerous online learning resources that you can use to get ready for the knowledge test. The problem with gathering all sorts of free online materials is that learning isn’t optimized in an organized manner, which is less time efficient, and can leave gaps in your knowledge.

Taking a training course is a way to make good use of your study time. You get organized and well-curated sample test questions that will help you prepare for the exam. Self-training is effective, but it’s usually not entirely free either. You spend lots of time researching the materials and downloading them. Getting a paid course will save you time and the anxiety that comes with not knowing whether you studied the suitable materials.

4. Keep practicing #

There is a pool of practice tests available online to help you get ready for the test. While they can help you cover more details on each topic, they can’t help you predict possible knowledge test questions.  Practicing with numerous sample tests will expose you to several dimensions of a case, thereby helping you perform better.

The FAA gets the 60 test questions from a pool of more than 300 possible questions, giving each pilot a different set of questions. You probably won’t take an identical test to that of any other pilot before, but you sure can build your brain muscle by doing lots of practice tests.

5. Make sure your IACRA application and photo ID match #

Before attempting the test, make sure that the credentials you provided match those on your ID. The test results are the only hurdle between you and a drone license, so make sure that your test comes out in your name. Besides your name, double-check your address and your application. 

How many times can you take the Part 107 Test? #

You can take the FAA 107 test as many times as you need to pass. If, unfortunately, you fail the first test, you can try a second, or even a third time (or more!). Usually, most people make it on their second attempt. Should you miss the mark again, you can apply for the test for a third time. You only have to wait for 14 days to register again. You will have to pay  the $160 fee for the test every time you attempt it. I strongly advise pilots to enroll for a paid training course to avoid incurring higher losses attempting the test multiple times.

After obtaining your certificate as a remote pilot, you will need to update it every 24 months through a recurrent knowledge test.

Can you take the FAA Part 107 Test online? #

You can only take the test from a certified FAA center. Even though the test is done using a computer, it has to be within controlled conditions in one of the over 700 FAA-certified centers. If you see an online offer of taking the Part 107 test from home, it’s definitely a scam. 

» MORE: You have questions about the Part 107 test? Read our article here to find answers to all your questions 


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