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Moon Strike – Prologue

2 mins
Drone Simulators Steam
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About This Game #

Moon Strike – Prologueis an online multiplayer sci-fi shooter with survival mechanics which we are developing in Unreal Engine to achieve great quality visuals and gameplay experience.We are creating an online multiplayer competitive game where players must use skill and intelligence to raid for gathering resources, trade with other players, and survive in a hostile environment of the terraformed Moon.The game delivers a feeling of a team adventure, where you should plan your actions with your teammates and cooperate with each other to succeed.The objective of the team is to find and extract valuable resources and then make their way to one of the delivery capsule launchpads before the enemy team does. Players fight each other, set traps and craft new gadgets on the go to get advantage.The game will have two major parts. The first part is a Player vs Player 3rd person action shooter with survival mechanics. During the game match the player will cooperate with his teammates to survive in a hostile environment and compete with the players from the opponents team to find and extract valuable resources on the map.There is a survival mechanic which forces the player not to waste time: he has a limited amount of oxygen which allows him to move safely only for a particular period of time. Building & CraftingThe second part of the game is a base building simulator.The player has to create and upgrade production buildings on his base to gather and refine the resources available on his territory or the ones, which he can get from other players. The player uses produced resources to craft, upgrade and repair weapons, extraction tools, traps, mines, turrets, drones, vehicles, ammo and consumables.


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