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Starfighter Renegade

2 mins
Drone Simulators Steam
Table of Contents

About This Game #

Starfighter Renegade is a single player, 3rd person, arcade style aerial combat game played over compact and varied alien worlds.This is NOT a simulation – just to be clear, it’s not intended to have an accurate flight model or be able to be controlled like a ‘real’ spacecraft – it’s got simple, point and fire arcade style controls (think After Burner rather than MS Flight Sim).Swoop, twist and boost your Starfighter through unique landscapes, defending them from the invading alien threats!

  • Encounter a wide range of Alien fighters to battle.
  • Stop the Aliens spreading their deadly terraforming virus.
  • Rescue local inhabitants before the Aliens can collect them.
  • Decide which combination of weaponry, gadgets and strategy will get you the highest score.

Exhilarating Aerial Combat! #

Master the controls of your Starfighter, dive and roll between bursts of enemy fire to take out your target. You’ll discover a wide range of Alien craft to engage, each with their own distinct behaviours and objectives.

Fly to the Rescue #

Many worlds are still inhabited. The Aliens are working to capture the helpless civilian Friendlies to work in their mines and factories. Can you rescue them before their fates are sealed?

Stop the Virus #

The Aliens are spreading a terraforming virus, polluting and destroying the landscape to better suit their nefarious needs. The more virus they spread, the less you will score! Do you focus on taking out the fighters and other hostile Aliens? Or look to stop the spread and reduce its impact?

Upgrade you Starfighter #

Expand your fighters load-out as you discover more advanced weaponry; better lasers, attack drones, missiles and all manor of other useful gadgets to help you take on the Aliens in a variety of different ways. Find what works best for your style, and best for your score.

Replay again and again! #

Return to any world you’ve already visited- just for the fun of the battle, or to try different strategies and load-outs to get the highest score you can!


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