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Can You Fly a Mavic Pro in the Rain? (What to Do if It Gets Wet)

8 mins
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The draw to get out and fly your drone as much as possible is undeniable, and is even there when the weather is a bit on the iffy side. But, many retailers and manufacturers can be quite vague with regard to the exact particulars of drones and their capabilities. So, can you fly a Mavic Pro in the rain?

**It’s not advised to fly a Mavic Pro in the rain as this will have adverse negative repercussions for longevity and functionality of the drone. However, users may be able to fly a Mavic Pro in the rain with Wet Suits that cover all the components involved. **

Although the Mavic Pro has somehow become known as waterproof, there are quite a few reasons to think twice before launching your beloved drone in the midst of showers, or even sprinkles. Read on to find out how the Mavic Pro measures up in terms of water resistance, as well as how to go about attempting to revive your drone if crucial components become wet. 

Is the Mavic Pro waterproof?  #

No, the Mavic Pro is not waterproof despite a common misperception. Most drones have an IP (Ingress Protection) rating, which gives particular details as to the degree of protection against solid and liquid matter. This ranges on a scale from 0 – 6 for solid matter, and 0 – 9 for liquid matter, and can be further enhanced by the presence of ‘M’ to note that it’s resistant to particular hazards such as oil, high voltage, or other specifics. 

In order to be comfortable flying a drone in the rain, it’s particularly important to know its IP rating, as this will not only give insight as to whether or not a drone can be operated in the rain, but also just how much rain it would be resistant to. Depending on the IP rating, a drone may be able to withstand anything from light rain or rain falling at certain angles, to complete showers and even full immersion. 

These limitations would allow users to fly their drone in the rain with confidence within the boundaries being communicated by the IP rating standards, in addition to various particular tips concerning other conditions and materials as well. But, unlike many drones which have an IP rating as a standard, the Mavic Pro does not have an IP rating which leaves quite a large gap for users to make assumptions as to its wet weather capabilities. 

Since the Mavic Pro does not have an official IP rating stating all of these particulars, users and enthusiasts have plenty of questions in terms of when, where, and how this drone can actually be used. Some users may get lucky and experience flight in the rain without severe consequences, but it is likely that the drone will either have lower performance after being exposed to water, or that its longevity will be decreased in some way. 

The risks definitely outweigh the rewards. Thus, it is far safer for drone enthusiasts and users to assume the latter, and keep the Mavic Pro’s key components far away from sand, dust, snow, fog, clouds, rain, and water.

Can you fly a Mavic Pro in the rain? #

While the Mavic Pro is not waterproof, it may still be possible to fly this drone in the rain with some appropriate measures beforehand. These measures will ensure that the drone and crucial components do not become wet, thus enabling users to either fly in the rain or at least prevent severe damage to the drone in the event that it starts raining mid-flight.

Wet Suits are incredibly advantageous for this reason, and there is a large variety available, all of which offer varying levels of protection. But, drone enthusiasts have to be quite mindful of the particular details of these Wet Suits, as they do not all provide the same amount of shielding. Some Wet Suits are mainly used so that users will be able to bring their drone back to base if it begins raining, but will not provide full coverage. 

The Mavic Pro may still be dysfunctional if certain components get wet – or, at worst, it could literally drop from the sky to an unfortunate end. For the best use and protection of all these components, you need to ensure that the Wet Suit offers complete protection from potential moisture to components such as the battery, power button, as well as all of the connectors.

Additional features which may make a Wet Suit more effective include prop covers, adjustable vent covers, and adjustable wing closures. Such additions may make it possible to fly a Mavic Pro in the rain for a short period of time per session, or at least long enough to bring it back to safety.

That being said, users do have varying opinions about these Wet Suits, most of which predominantly entail the overall fit for the particular drone model as well as durability. But, it is mostly agreed that these Wet Suits do the job in preventing the drone from getting wet. 

What to do if your Mavic Pro gets wet #

Much like dealing with water damage for any sort of electronic device, trying to revive a Mavic Pro after it has become wet is a grey area with very few guarantees. There are a wide range of methods that focus on drawing out the moisture from inside the drone, but the effectiveness of any of these methods will have a lot to do with how wet it actually is inside. 

What to consider before anything else #

Getting your Mavic Pro back to its former self will be a challenging task – and unfortunately, it may even be impossible. Also, there are quite a few things to consider before going ahead with any methods. 

The first and most important thing is to remove the battery and dispose of it properly, as a water damaged LiPo battery can be dangerous, and users should never attempt to turn the drone on with a damaged battery. 

Next, the type of water that the drone has been exposed to will play a large role in how you proceed. Saltwater, rainwater, and water with chemicals in it cause corrosion and electrical shorts, and exposure to such water will demand that the drone is rinsed off with de-ionized water, distilled water, or tap water and wiped down thoroughly with a cloth before being dried out. Water damage is really tricky to resolve with electronics as it is often not visible.

There is a very big difference between a drone that has been speckled with a few drops of rain, splashed with a gust of water, and a drone that has literally fallen into standing water. Many methods involve the use of various substances and chemicals to draw out water, but some of them may have adverse effects on the internal workings of the drone, in addition to the potential risk of corrosion and deterioration further down the line. 

Absorb excess water from inside the drone #

A commonly used method for drawing out moisture after a Mavic Pro becomes wet is the classic dry rice method, which uses the natural hydrophilic properties of rice to dry up the drone over time. The drone will have to be taken apart into components depending on how wet it has gotten, and the propellers will need to be removed from the drone prior to drying it out using the rice. 

It may be hard to identify exactly what has been affected by the water entrance, thus it’s essential to ensure all components are dried up thoroughly. One may need to disassemble the drone to varying degrees, but disassembly to this extent may be enough to draw out all of the water.

All of these components should be placed in a large container with plenty of rice both underneath and on top of the components. For the Mavic Pro’s size, approximately 6 – 7 pounds of rice would be sufficient, but what’s most important is that it covers the drone and components completely. After around 3 – 4 days, the moisture should have been drawn out from the drone, after which it should hopefully work. 

Some believe that other options such as alcohol, desiccant and silica gel work more effectively than rice, and one can also use air (from a hairdryer, or air compressor) to blow out excess water as well. Many have been successful in reviving their Mavic Pro using similar methods, as these approaches are at least safe and gentle on the drone. 

However, whether or not this is due to the effectiveness of the method in particular, or as a result of appropriate responsive measures and a stroke of luck is unknown. That being said, even if any given method works in drawing out the moisture from inside the drone, there are still various negative outcomes to consider depending on just how bad the water damage is. 

In some cases, the drone may be able to fly – even if it’s not as well as it could before. However, some circumstances may result in damage to components such as the flight mechanism, which will need further attention to resolve. 

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, so the best bet is just to ensure that your Mavic Pro is shielded from the harmful effects of water by steering clear of rain, and by using Wet Suits to ensure your drone can make it home in the event that the weather suddenly takes a turn for the worse. 


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