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Can You Fly Two DJI Drones Together?

8 mins
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Drone technology has improved significantly over the years, and its popularity is also growing. Mass production of drones is still in its infancy stage, relatively speaking. Nonetheless, the number of people showing interest in them is overwhelming. DJI drones, for instance, are used in videography and for carrying out surveys. Many people are learning how to fly them. One question many users might have is whether you can fly two DJI drones at the same time.

**You can fly two DJI drones together. However, the number of drones you can fly simultaneously depends on your competency as a pilot. The max recommended number of drones you can fly together is three. If you fly more than three drones close together, you risk collisions and signal interference. **

If you want to know more about DJI drones, how many you can fly simultaneously, and how to fly them, then stick around. Additionally, I will also show you what happens when two drones fly together and how many drones can fly at the same time in the same field.

Can You Fly Two DJI Drones at the Same Time? #

Flying drones is a skill that still relatively few people have. And only the chosen few can fly two drones at the same time. Although flying two drones together is difficult, it is not entirely impossible. You can fly two DJI drones together without facing any significant hitches. You can fly these drones at the same time using different DJI accounts.

Nonetheless, as earlier stated, flying more than three drones at the same time is dangerous. To understand why this is dangerous, you need to know how drones communicate.

 A drone requires a radio or WI-FI connectivity to communicate with its controller. If your drone is radio-controlled, it will work on frequencies of about 2.4 GZ to 5.8 GHz. Such drones are controlled using a hand-held radio transmitter, sometimes called a remote ground control system (GCS) or a ground cockpit.

It is clear that drones use radio frequencies to communicate with their controllers. Here is why flying three more drones at the same time is not recommended.

When you fly three or more drones in close proximity, you risk frequency interference—resulting in the drones losing connection with the controller. Once communication between a controller and a drone is interfered with, the chances of this drone getting out of control are high. If you have two or more drones operating in close proximity at the same time, they can easily collide with each other and crash.

How To Fly Two DJI Drones Together? #

Flying two DJI drones together is not complicated. Note that most DJI drones are quadcopters, meaning they have four rotors. Before you take out your drones for a spin, ensure you know the major parts of these drones so that you will be able to identify issues in case of a malfunction.

The main parts of a drone include the frame, the flight control boards, radio transmitter and receiver, propellers, batteries, and motors. You will use the radio transmitter as your remote control. The drone will get a control order from you through the receiver on its antenna.

You will need the drone controller to control the drone. The four main controls of a drone controller include the yaw, the throttle, roll, and pitch.

It is also advisable to do a preflight checklist before you fly your drones. This ensures that everything is in place for your flight. Before each flight also be sure to check out the weather, the speed of the wind, visibility, and cloud base.

If you will be flying two drones, it’s vital that you fly under ideal weather conditions. Ensure there is no possible electromagnetic interference, as this will affect communication with your drones.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to fly two drones simultaneously.

  • Power up the transmitter for both drones. It would help if you also opened up the DJI Go 4 App.
  • Power up both drones
  • Check for proper connection between the drones and the transmitters. A poor connection may indicate technical hitches.
  • Carefully position the antennas on the transmitters. Make sure they point towards the sky.
  • Set the inertial measurement units for both drones as needed. You also need to check for the position of the compass.
  • Push the throttle down and switch on the transmitters
  • Connect the batteries

For takeoff, simply push the throttle upwards, and the drone will lift. You have to do this for both drones. To avoid any accidents, work on one drone at a time. If you have someone with you, they can follow the above steps.

You can then hover your drones as close to the takeoff area as possible. The reason for doing this is that you want to check if all the parts are functioning normally. If there is an issue, you can quickly land the drone and fix the issue. If there is no issue, you can now increase the drones’ altitude.

Pay close attention to the drones’ battery levels. You don’t want them falling out of the sky because of low batteries. Additionally, when flying two drones together, maintain a reasonable distance between the drones. Don’t fly them too close together, as you risk collisions.

What Happens When Two Drones Fly Together? #

A lot can happen when two drones fly together. First and foremost, depending on the kind of transmission the drones use, they may experience frequency interruptions. Drones that use radio frequency to communicate with the controller should not fly in close proximity. This helps limit radio frequency interruptions. If there are any transmission issues, the drones may lose control and collide with each other. 

You can also lose the visibility of one drone while paying attention to the other. To avoid this, it can help to have different colored drones to help you keep track of which is which. Alternatively, have a friend control the second drone.

You should also sync each drone with a separate controller to avoid signal collisions and interruptions. Doing this lessens the risk of signal interruptions.

The benefit of flying two drones together is that the other one can take over if one fails.

How Many Drones Can Fly Simultaneously In The Same Field? #

The number of drones you can fly simultaneously on the same field is dependent on so many factors. That said, cases of people flying more than three drones together are common. Some projects require up to thirty drones flying at the same time to be completed. Have you ever seen a swarm of drones and wondered how flying all of them simultaneously is possible?

Interestingly, some of these drones can fly unmanned. How does this happen? Well, to fly a swarm of drones, you can control the swarm as one drone instead of individually controlling each drone.

Drone swarms aside, the number of drones you can fly in the same field varies depending on the size of the field and the types of drones. A big field would, of course, accommodate more drones. A big field with surrounding obstacles such as towers, tall buildings, and trees will accommodate a lesser number of drones. Likewise, a small field only accommodates a few drones.

The type and size of drones matter as well. Big drones require more space compared to smaller drones. The type of technology used on each drone also needs to be considered.

The different types of drones include multi-rotor drones, fixed-wing drones, single rotor drones, and fixed-wing hybrids. All these types of drones have diverse launching and flying techniques. If you plan to fly multiple drones at the same time, think through the make of the drone and the amount of space it will need before launching.

Nowadays, technology has made it possible to fly multiple drones without the need for many operators. For example, the highest number of drones ever launched and controlled by a single person is fifty. This is such a massive number for a single operator to control. Correspondingly, more and more people are welcoming the idea of drone swarming.

However, if you have dozens of drones in the air, you risk overlapping the communication signals. To avoid this, drones in a swarm are designed to communicate with each other using a system powered by strong WI-FI. This differs from the conventional radio frequency drone communication system.

There are a number of safety protocols you need to adhere to when flying multiple drones in the same field. Here are some of them.

  • Make sure all the drones have a visible registration number.
  • Before flying, ensure you have permission from relevant authorities, especially if you are flying in controlled airspace.
  • Ensure all your drones are registered with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) before flying
  • Please read all the drone manuals closely before taking them out to fly.
  • Always fly your drones within line of sight.
  • Fly away from airports and don’t fly over people or animals
  • Avoid flying over or close to places with a lot of people such as stadiums.
  • Don’t fly near disaster sites such as a building on fire.
  • Fly when sober. Flying when under the influence of any drug is dangerous.

It is evident that you can’t just go outside and start flying your drone anywhere, or in any circumstance, or multiple drones in this case. Even then, these safety precautions are for your own good and the protection of the community.

DJI drones are relatively easy to use. They also have a wide range of drones you can choose from depending on your need and preference. Flying drones is a fun experience, and I think you should try one, and maybe eventually go on to two or more.  


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