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Do I Need to Register My DJI Mini 3 Pro in Australia? (Explained)

7 mins
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Registering your drone is essential for a smooth and exciting flight experience in Australia.

Even though your DJI Mini 3 Pro is an impeccable drone for aerial photography and recreational ventures, you can only relish its usage when you are on the right side of the law.

Do you need to register your drone in Australia?

You do not need to register the DJI Mini 3 Pro in Australia if you plan to use it for sports and recreational purposes. However, if for commercial activities, you must register it.

This article provides all the information you need to operate your drone successfully in Australia, so don’t miss it!

Do you need to register the DJI Mini 3 Pro in Australia? #

If using your DJI Mini 3 Pro for commercial purposes, register it with the Australian authorities at CASA. However, you must first ensure that your drone is not registered in another country.

The good thing about registering your drone in Australia is that the process is very simple, and you only need a few minutes to complete the registration online.

Furthermore, it’s free to register drones weighing 500 grams or less. The Mini 3 Pro is a sub-250g drone.

Conditions for registering a drone in Australia #

To register a drone in Australia, you need to meet the following conditions:

  • Be 16 years of age or older
  • Have proof of identity
  • Have an Aviation Reference Number (ARN)
  • Know the model, weight, type of drone, and serial number of your drone
  • Create a MyCASA account if you don’t already have one

Registering the DJI Mini 3 Pro in Australia – the registration process #

After determining whether you’re eligible to register your drone in Australia, here are the steps you need to follow to complete the registration process.

1. Create a myCASA account #

If it’s your first time registering a drone in Australia, you must create a myCASA account. Visit this link and navigate to where you’re prompted to enter your details to create the account.

2. Apply for an Aviation Reference Number (ARN) #

After logging into your myCASA account, navigate to apply for an ARN number and click apply.

If you’re applying for an ARN number on behalf of your company, you will have to apply for an organization ARN.

Alternatively, you can apply for an individual Aviation Reference Number (ARN) by email. You simply need to provide your personal details through email.

3. Enter your personal details #

Your personal details are essential for completing the registration process. The details include your name, address, sex, date of birth, nationality, and phone number.

4. Submit your identification #

After filling in your personal details, a button prompting you to submit your identification will pop up. You only need to click on it to submit your identification.

5. Register your drone #

Once you’ve submitted your identification, the next step is to register your drone.

Start by selecting the individual or organizational account and then click on the registration to begin the registration process. The system will guide you on the details you need to provide.

6. Enter the serial number of your drone #

Every drone has a unique serial number, and you will require this serial number during your registration process.

You can find the serial number of your drone on the warranty card, inside the battery compartment, or on the packaging of the drone.

7. Review the summary #

Review your registration summary to ensure all the details are accurate. Further, read the declaration carefully.

8. Complete the payment details #

After you complete the registration form, add your payment details before completing the application process.

What are the rules for flying drones in Australia? #

Like any country, Australia has enacted several rules designed to enhance the safety of drone users, manned aircraft, and the public in general.

You should acquaint yourself with these rules and regulations for a smooth flying experience in Australia.

Drone rules for recreational operators #

If using your drone in Australia for recreational pleasure, the following rules apply to you.

  1. Do not exceed 400 feet above ground level.
  2. Your drone must be at least 30 meters away from other people.
  3. Always keep your drone within your visual line of sight. In other words, you should be able to see your drone as you fly it.
  4. Avoid flying above large crowds of people. Populous places may include parks, events, fields where games are ongoing, etc.
  5. Respect people’s privacy. In other words, don’t take photos or record videos of people without their permission.
  6. You must fly one drone at a time.
  7. Do not operate your drone in a dangerous way that might be hazardous to people, properties, or even other aircraft.
  8. Never fly during the night or through fog/clouds.
  9. If your drone weighs more than 250g, fly no closer than 5.5 kilometers from an airport.
  10. Do not fly your drone near ongoing emergency operations. Such operations may include accident scenes, crime scenes, police operations, rescue missions, etc.
  11. You should always yield to manned aircraft. If you’re flying close to an aerodrome, you can fly within 5.5 kilometers as long as you’re keen to give way to human-crewed aircraft as soon as you see them.

Drone laws for commercial operators #

If you intend to fly your drone for commercial purposes, there are additional laws that you will need to follow.

To use your drone for commercial pursuits in Australia, register it with CASA. Additionally, the drone should weigh less than 2 kg to operate as a commercial drone.

If your drone weighs above 2kg but less than 25 kg, you can fly it commercially over your land as long as you have the RPA.

You can also fly a 25-150 kg drone over your land if you hold a remote pilot license (RePL) and register the drone with CASA.

Can I fly my drone over a road in Australia? #

You can fly your drone over a road in Australia. However, you need to be conscious that roads have sidewalks that may have high volumes of human traffic.

As such, you risk your drone coming 30 meters close to people, violating the rules governing drone operations in Australia.

Where can I fly my drone in Australia? #

Flying a drone in Australia is a great way to create long-lasting memories.

Moreover, Australia is known for many awesome places that are great for stunning aerial shots. The locations can range from bushes to ranges and parks.

The most crucial aspect of finding the ideal place to fly your drone in Australia is checking whether any legal restrictions might deny access to such areas.

For instance, you can only fly your drone above a beach when there are no people.

Overall, there are three important factors that you should always consider when identifying the best places to fly your drone.

They include the type of drone, rules, and location. Some locations are no-fly zones, and you will be in serious trouble if you defy the no-fly order.

Can you fly drones in parks in Australia? #

When visiting Australia, you should tour some of the best parks. So, would you be at liberty to use your drone in the parks for recreational activities?

You will require special permission to operate your drone in parks for hobby purposes because drones can cause a nuisance to people and animals in the park.

What happens if you don’t register your drone? #

Failing to register a drone that requires registration in Australia may lead to severe penalties by the authorities.

If you are found operating a drone that is not registered but requires registration, you may be forced to pay a fine of up to $1,110 AUS.

If the issue goes to the courts, the fines may increase to the tune of $11,100 AUS. Therefore, to avoid such inconvenience, register your drone for commercial purposes!


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